View player info: Blosa

Generic info

Country:Turkey Turkey
Last login:
Vocation:Epic Elder Druid
Married to:(none)
Guild:Member of Bunch of trash players
Guild nick:(none)
Kill/Death/Assist Ratio:0.00 (0/0/0) (last 30 days)

Quests & Tasks

Quests: 13/61
Tasks: 0/150
Outfits: 17/93
Quest NameQuest Name
Annihilator Assassination Quest
Banshee Quest Beginners Quest
Behemoth Quest Black Knight Quest
Clock Tower Quest Crusader Helmet Quest
Darashia Dragon Quest Demon Helmet Quest
Demon Oak Desert Quest
Dwarven Armor Quest Dwarven Legs Quest
Elemental Spheres Quest Emperors Cookie Quest
Ferumbras Doll Quest Fire Axe Quest
Fury's Legacy Glorious Quest
Gower Quest Inquisition
Koshei the Deathless Quest League of Legends Quest
Legionaire Quest Living Star Quest
Lost City Quest Mean Green Quest
Medusa Shield Quest Mount Houst Quest
Mysterious Quest Naginata Quest
Native Armor Quest Nightmare Doll Quest
Omega Quest Orc Fortress Quest
Orceus Treasure Quest Phrodomo Quest
Pits of Inferno Quest of Annoyance
Richmans Quest Royal Rose armor Quest
Sacrifice Quest Solar Cloak Quest
Spoderman Quest Stamina Refiller Quest
The Ancient Tombs The Arcane Maze
The Defender Quest The Flash Quest
The Jester Quest The Lost Kingdom
The Paradox Tower The Quest of Desolation
The Ultimate Challenges Tibia Doll Quest
Ultimate Annihilator Undead Quest
Vampire Quest Wrath of the Emperor Quest
Yalahari Quest

Player skills

MagicLevel 127
FistLevel 100 Experience
ClubLevel 100 Experience
SwordLevel 100 Experience
AxeLevel 100 Experience
DistanceLevel 100 Experience
ShieldingLevel 361858489 Experience
FishingLevel 100 Experience

Player deaths

DateAt levelKillersBlessings
448 an undead Viserion Blessed
449 Nidalee Blessed
450 Orceus, Professor, a banshee, a dark torturer Blessed
451 a charizard, a undead dragon, a diabolic imp, a destroyer, a grim reaper Blessed
452 Daburas minion, Orshasmaal Blessed
453 Orshasmaal Blessed
453 Rammus, Nunu Blessed
454 Orc slave Blessed
455 the Venom, Firenus Blessed
456 Firenus, the Venom Blessed

Player frags

She fragged Firenus at level 727 (Justified).
She fragged Versace at level 403 (Justified).
She fragged Koksiorr at level 401 (Justified).
She fragged Baila at level 409 (Justified).
She fragged Commander at level 537 (Justified).
She fragged Commander at level 528 (Justified).
She fragged Legeand at level 518 (Justified).
She fragged Sjaaka at level 272 (Unjustified).
She fragged Fiutt at level 262 (Justified).
She fragged Dgdavk Rj at level 196 (Unjustified).


Secret Peace of the Seven5You have created peace by destroying the wrath of the evil forces. The portal between our realm and the demonic realm is now closed for good - or for bad?
Secret Legend4The unseen blade is the deadliest.
Secret Sacrifice!4You have sacrificed some valuable crystals for a greater good.
Jokes on You3You ain't going nowhere, fool.
Secret Legolas' mission3You're on a mission from Legolas.
Pokémon Slayer3Gotta kill 'em all. Pokémon! Professor Oak won't be too happy to hear about your Pokédex progress.
Secret The Dark Knight Rises3Nanananananana BATMAN!
Secret Charlover2Come on, go out. Are you scared of dying?
Secret Falcon2Addicted to being boosted.
Fear of Rabbits2Bypassing the scariest rabbit in the world.
Secret Kingslayer2You drove your sword right into his back.
Rather try ice fishing2Heat is not really your thing? Why not try some ice fishing?
The Devil2Defeating the fallen Angel.
Secret The Real Spiderman2You showed the imposter who the real deal is.
Wardrobe2You just don't know what to wear today. Better start collecting all outfits so you always look fabulous.
Secret Veteran3You've been around quite a while now haven't you.
Blessed!2You single handedly funded a whole church with the money from all your blessings.
Secret Donator2Dolla dolla bill y'all!
Exp, Exp, Exp!2Powergaming at its finest.
Potion Addict2Your local magic trader considers you one of his best customers - you usually buy large stocks of potions so you won't wake up in the middle of the night craving for more. Yet, you always seem to run out of them too fast. Cheers!
Brothers in Arms1Welcome to the Guild.
Choking on Her Venom1The Old Widow fell prey to your supreme hunting skills.
GameGuard1You have set your foot direction towards the correct path.
Journey1This is just the beginning of your journey. There are plenty more things to discover on higher levels.
King Ascarianus Fan1You are the most epic of epic adventurers.
Mysterious1Lady luck is smiling.
Resident legal1You're a strong independent player, you don't need a bot in your life.
Sssss!1Not so bad on Snake.
Tasker1Beginning of a young adventurer.
Aristocrat4Outfit master Aristocrat.
Powergamer4Your dedication to leveling finally paid off. You are among the best.
Generosity of the Emperor3A casket of never-ending mana would have been nice, but I guess this will do.
Prison Break3Gaz'haragoth... a day to remember! The Ascarians accomplished something really big - and you have been part of it!
Ice Sculptor4You love to hang out in cold surroundings and consider ice the best material to be shaped. What a waste to use ice cubes for drinks when you can create a beautiful mammoth statue from it!
Assassin's creed3You simply love the thrill of killing.
Bandage ripper3You've succesfully put them back where they belong...
Trophy Hunter3Experienced hunter.
Warlord of Svargrond3You sent the Obliverator into oblivion in the arena of Svargrond and defeated nine other dangerous enemies on the way. All hail the Warlord of Svargrond!
Air Nomad2You answered the air nomads' questions and they accept you as one of them.
Badgermole2You extended your senses and navigated through the puzzle.
Dancing Dragon2Ran and Shaw would be pleased.
Deathrunner2You ran for your life, guess that worked out.
Dominator2Pushmaster numero uno.
Dragon Slayer2Dragons stand no chance against you. Whether they live in ancient tales or not.
Infested2Infestor's tower has been conquered and the evil beast has been defeated.
Last Man Standing Legend2You triumph on the battlefield. Leaving only one man standing, you.
Penguin Sledding2Those water tribe citizens sure know how to have fun.
Phasing2No matter how exceptionally intelligent a creature may be, they are no match for you.
Prefer beaches2You're not so fond of cold places, why not spend a day at the beach instead?
Safe Zone2You are the king of comfort zones.
Traveler3Grabbing your trusty backpack you traveled across the lands visiting all cities. Way to go, traveler.
Allowance Collector2You certainly have your ways when it comes to acquiring money. Many of them are pink and paved with broken fragments of porcelain.
Annihilator2You've daringly jumped into the infamous Annihilator and survived - taking home fame, glory and your reward.
Demon slayer2You're a legitimate master of Demons.
Football superstar2You are the Ronaldo of Ascarus.
Here, Fishy Fishy!2Ah, the smell of the sea! Standing at the shore and casting a line is one of your favourite activities. For you, fishing is relaxing - and at the same time, providing easy food. Perfect!
I Need a Hug2You and your stuffed furry friends are inseparable, and you're not ashamed to take them to bed with you - who knows when you will wake up in the middle of the night in dire need of a cuddle?
Master of Death2You know your levers better than Kronk.
Mathemagician2Sometimes the biggest 'secrets' of life can have a simple solution.
Riddler2Riddle me this, riddle me that. You just finished the assassination quest.
Safer than Pandora's box!2You keep your things to yourself and yourself only.
Scrapper2You put out the Spirit of Fire's flames in the arena of Svargrond. Arena fights are for you - fair, square, with simple rules and one-on-one battles.
Trapmaster2You avoided all the trapholes and were victorious as last one standing!
Captain Hook1Wannabe Spiderman.
Cold Fighter1You don't let anyone cross you on a snowy day.
Conquer1Catching the Flag once and for all.
Divorce1You were just not meant to be.
Driver1Too bad the carts are on rails. I bet you would love to drift through Thais.
Exchanger1Tokens exchanger.
Firewalker1Master of the game 'the floor is lava'.
Greenhorn1You wiped out Orcus the Cruel in the Arena of Svargrond. You're still a bit green behind the ears, but there's some great potential.
Hunter1Beginner hunter.
Joke's on You1Well - the contents of that present weren't quite what you expected. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
Look out!1Showing who's the true bombza.
Marriage1Love at first sight?
Merchant1Professional trader.
Suicide Squad1Do not fear death, child.
This is Sparta!1Proving your superiority in the deathmatch grounds.
Zompy1The walking Ascarian.

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