A quick mini-guide on how to play on Ascarus!
Welcome to Ascarus. This is a server based on the 8.60 version. Our server accommodates multiple players, in a role playing game.How To Start
- To play Ascarus you need to create an account first. Simply click on the "Create an account" button on the upper left side, and follow the instructions.
- Make sure to select a safe password and account name which cannot be guessed easily. Do not repeat passwords previously used in other websites/servers, to ensure the security of your account. Once you have created your account, you may create characters in it. You will be able to choose their name, gender, vocation and town to be in.
- Please make sure that you choose a name for your character that does not violate the Ascarus Rules.
The Game Client
- As a next step, please download either the Ascarus client or the standard client from the Downloads section and install it on your computer. If you download the standard client, please make sure you also download an IP Changer from the same website, to be able to change the IP to our server (type in: ascar.us).
- Now you are ready to start playing. Start the client now that you have its icon installed. On the title screen simply click on "Enter Game". Once you have entered your account data, a menu with your characters list will be displayed. Choose the character you want to play with and click “Ok”. The client will now connect to the game server and you can start your adventure in Ascarus!

- Description:
- This is the map section. You may zoom in and out, and also toggle the floor you’re observing. You can also use the compass on the right side to manually drag the map.
The map itself will originally be black, but will be filled in as you explore more places. - This is your health and mana points bars. Make sure your health points never reach 0, or else your character will die, but do not worry! Your character will reappear at their hometown temple upon death.
- his is your main inventory. You can see and adjust what your character is wearing, be it helmet, armor, pants, boots, shield, weapon, ring, amulet or container. Your soul points will regenerate slowly as you kill monsters, and may be used for conjuring spells. Your capacity (Cap) defines the amount of weight your character can carry.
- Extra details:
- To the right side of your inventory, in the top section, you can choose your attack mode (Offensive, Balanced, Defensive), attack style (stand or chase) and you may toggle the restriction to attack unmarked players.
- Stop: this button will stop all your characters actions, like movement and attacks.
- Quests: you can check the quests and accomplishments your character has achieved here.
- Options: you can adjust the settings to your game play here, such as ambient light, resolution, classic control
(check this option in the "General" case to avoid deploying menus when you right-click), add hotkeys (to make spell incantations easier to use, among other things to your preference), etc. - Help: some of the functions in here are unrelated to our server, Ascarus, but some options in here are still helpful, such as Client Help (allows you to overview the client with your mouse, try it out!) and Rule Violation (allows you to report rule violations directly to high-ranking members of our staff, but please use this only for serious rule breaking cases!). Which can also be accessed via Ctrl + R.
- Skills: this is the menu that shows your character’s progress. Level, magic level, fighting skills, and other numerical-based information can be easily found here.
- Battle: this is a list that will show you all the characters and monsters in your view.
- VIP: this is a list you can add other players to (Very Important People). You can edit it however you want, and it shows you if the players are online/offline. It is also an easy way to quickly communicate with players you know.
- Logout: this is the option to log your character off the game. Please note you can only log out if your character has not faced opponents in battle lately.
- Below the game window, you will find different tabs. These are some of the channels in our server:
- Default: this is the main, global chat channel. You can talk to anyone in your view here, and this is also the channel messages sent to you will appear (if you do not have a channel opened with those players already).
- Server Log: any immediate server news may be communicated here. Other specific information such as the damage you take or deal, items and characters you look, items you use, may all be found in this channel.
- Loot: this channel will inform you of the items dropped by any monster you or a team party you are with kill.
- Deaths: you can check all the latest character deaths in our server here.
- Guilds chanel: you can chat with your guild mates here.
- Advertisement: a channel used to advertise items you want to buy or trade, quests you want to make, teams you want to join, hunts you want to participate in, and even houses you may want to buy/sell, etc.
- Help: this is the channel used to ask for help to other players or to Ascaruss staff directly. Please use this chat channel with moderation, while respecting our rules. The central window is your game view. To walk, you may use the arrow keys, or you can simply click with your mouse where you want to go, in the game window, or in your map.

- Starting your gameplay!
- Before starting to play, you have to choose a vocation. Some may be familiar with them already. There are 4 vocations: sorcerer, druid, paladin and knight.
- Sorcerer is a mage-based vocation that focuses on attack spells. Their area attacks can cause a lot of damage.
- Druid is also a mage-based vocation, but that focuses on healing and support magic. They can use massive healing spells to cure allies.
- Paladin is an archer-based vocation that focuses on distance attacks. They can also use area spells to damage nearby monsters.
- Knight is a warrior-based vocation that focuses on survivability and close range attacks.
- When you start playing, your character is originally spawned in the temple of the town you picked. Temples are usually close or annexed to the town depots, which contain private lockers only your character can access. Feel free to use the depot to store your items in a safe, secure way.
- Temples and depots have in common that they are in Protection Zones (you can see the Dove symbol representing you are in a PZ below the Soul Points area in the inventory window), which are regions battle/combat is disabled.

Your starting level is 8. To raise your level, you must kill monsters and gain experience points from them. They can be found in different places all over the game world. Generally speaking, only weak monsters can be found in towns (for example, in the sewer systems), and stronger monsters are more distant from the towns. To attack monsters, you can right-click on them, or left-click in the Battle window (found below your inventory).

Monsters will attack you and make you lose health points (red bar), to recover them, you can eat food (buy from shops or loot from monsters), use healing spells or potions. You may notice you are given some health potions and food when you start playing (check your backpack in your inventory). You can also find your health bar below your character name in game. If you have around 70% or more of your HP intact, the bar on your name will be green. Around 30-70% of your HP, the bar will be yellow, and below that it will show up red.

Mana points (blue bar) are used for spells. They can also be regenerated with food and potions. There are multiple spells of different categories: attack spells, defensive spells, conjuring spells and support spells. The higher your level is, the more spells you will be able to use. Also, some spells may be unique to certain vocations. You can read more information on spells here. You can also check all your vocation spells by typing down the command "!spells" ingame. Health and mana points will increase as you gain levels. The speed you walk with will also increase as you gain more levels. Make sure you use adequate spells for your hunts, and have fun testing them!
Some monsters when they die drop items that can be collected from their dead bodies/corpses. You can “loot” these items by right-clicking the dead body. An extra window will show in the right what is inside the dead body, and you can collect the items you want from it by dragging them with your mouse into your backpack.

Some small tips about Ascarus: In our game world, when your character dies, they will not lose any items until they reach at least level 120. From then on, please protect your items by buying an "amulet of loss" with the "!aol" command in game. You are also advised to buy blessings with the "!bless" command, which reduce the skills and levels loss upon death. Starting from level 120 and higher, PvP (player versus player) will be enabled. That means you will be able to attack and be attacked by other players. Prepare yourself accordingly!
Please be aware of signs and read them if you find them, since they most likely have useful information about the place you are in.
You can make friends in the game and form a guild (clan) if you want to. Guilds provide an easy way of communicating between players that know each other, uniting them in a single group. You can create and/or find guilds here. Guilds also provide special benefits, like being able to participate in guild wars that reward you with points.
Playing in Ascarus is an adventure; you can choose the gaming style you like the most! The true objective in playing is whatever you want it to be, either being a top level, making friends, making money, gaining popularity, helping the community, it is your choice to make!