Information: The event started 22.10.2022 22:00.
It lasted 30 minutes.
It was won by Swedish Girls.

Details for the guild event

Show all death times

Most damage dealt to the creature

#1: Joshoa 1 490 136 for Swedish Girls.
#2: Jercoh 1 027 978 for goood play.
#3: Professor 1 002 395 for Swedish Girls.
#4: Yuo 976 670 for Swedish Girls.
#5: Gustaw Rp 963 726 for Swedish Girls.
#6: Xandir 852 319 for Swedish Girls.
#7: Magic Ed 825 871 for Swedish Girls.
#8: Remix 754 976 for Swedish Girls.
#9: Ciperro 628 155 for Swedish Girls.
#10: Sugh iron 624 670 for Swedish Girls.
#11: Todod 543 279 for goood play.
#12: Creep 309 813 for Swedish Girls.
#1: Creep x4 for Swedish Girls.
#2: Todod x1 for goood play.
#3: Xandir x1 for Swedish Girls.
#4: Sugh iron x1 for Swedish Girls.
#5: Remix x1 for Swedish Girls.
#6: Jercoh x1 for goood play.
#7: Ciperro x1 for Swedish Girls.